

Clinker manufacture operational: 1866-1898

Approximate total clinker production: 159,000 tonnes

Raw materials:


Also called Morden Works. The site occupied only 0.67 Ha and had 56 metres of riverside, still called Hollick’s Wharf. The plant was used by Winkfield Bell & Co for Roman Cement manufacture and Hollick, who had previously made Portland cement on the Medway at Borstal Court, converted the five bottle kilns (80 t/week) to Portland production in 1866. The initial 1900 m2 of slurry backs was extended to 2600 by 1895, and it seems that a further three kilns (70 t/week) were added during that period. The plant came under the control of W. M. Leake (West Thurrock) in 1898. A fire on 30/8/1898 destroyed the mill building, and it did not re-start. All product was shipped by barge. Under Blue Circle, the wharf remained in use for barges until the 1970s: the rest of the site became first a soap works, and now lies under the Amylum sugar refinery.

Power supply

No information


No information

No rotary kilns were installed.
