List of Essays

This is a list of essays and odd writings that I have had on my spike file for years, and have been gradually turning into web-page format. There are many more on the way, when I get time.

Geoffrey Martin's Paper on Kiln Excess Air
The Orsat Gas Analyser
Thermodynamics of Clinker Formation
Historic cements: effect of temperature and composition
Chalk in the Chilterns
Historical Chemical Analyses
Blue Circle Cooperages in 1924
Coal Mills in 1924
Bottle Kilns at Northfleet
Motive Power Efficiency
Coal Rank
Visit to Drogheda, 1963
North Kent Chalk Quarries
Blue Lias Floor Names
Blue Circle Research Department
1863 Map of Northfleet
The Anhydrite Process for Sulfuric Acid and Cement
The Rise and Fall of the British Portland Cement Research Association, 1918-1925
About Chemistry
Henry Osborne O'Hagan