The plant was put up for sale by the liquidator in 1902 (Faversham News, 05/04/1902, p 4) and was described as comprising:
very extensive and valuable wharf accommodation, two large cement stores, for engine and boiler houses, 15 kilns, six backs, five sets of drying flues, forge etc., also foreman's house and five cottages.
The valuable and useful machinery, plant and effects include about 3,800 tons of cement slurry, 45 HP compound condensing beam engine, 14 HP vertical engine, two Cornish boilers, one Lancashire boiler, two iron washmills with five harrows, slurry, clinker and cement elevators and gear, four pairs of mill stones, cement testing machine, about 210 tons of breeze, coke and coal, 60 tons of clay slurry, shoots and supports, three platform weighing machines, barrows, 1,500 cement sacks, 200 wheeling plates, single and double planks, forge bellows, iron safe etc., etc.
Also the barge "Sittingbourne" of Rochester (37 tons register), with lug-sail, gear, and boat.