

Clinker manufacture operational: 1878-1897

Approximate total clinker production: 210,000 tonnes

Raw materials:


Also called Skelsey’s Works, but not to be confused with Skelsey’s Barton plant. The plant started with perhaps two wet process bottle kilns, expanded to ten in 1881-1882. During 1885-1890 these were converted into chamber kilns (300 t/week): development then concentrated at the Barton plant, and the plant shut down as soon as the latter, with on-site raw materials, was up and running in 1897. There was a major fire on 17/4/1897, which may have marked the end of clinker manufacture. Transportation was entirely by water from a wharf on the River Hull. The site was subsequently occupied and built over by the adjacent Reckitt’s ultramarine plant.

Power supply

No information


No information

No rotary kilns were installed.
